IT recruitment experts since 1994

Whether in Information Technology or in another field, Permabec meets the needs of its customers.

We are therefore specialized in IT but do not refuse when our beloved customers request our help in another area of expertise. Since the bond of trust with our client is solid, our task is greatly simplified.


Permabec in 4 bubbles!


If we are contacting you, it is probably because, while showing humility, you are a star in your field and everything smiles on you in life.
You have come to the right address. Keep calm! Everyone at Permabec has over 15 years of experience.


Permabec always teams up with the same clients. Large and successful companies. They are used to retaining stars, people on the long term. Companies we simply adore. They claim to adore us just as much. They will tell you in the interview.


Since we love our customers and they love us too, let us accompany you.
Our representative and then an accompanying person will communicate to you a lot of essential information which will considerably increase your chances of success.

Birds of a feather flock together

The best in a sector of activity obviously also know how to recognize the best.
Our success with our customers is largely based on the networking that we maintain with enlightened people like you.

Our positions

Contact us

Contact details

Permabec Services-Conseils Inc.
1188 ave. Union suite 123,
Montréal (Québec) H3B 0E5

E-mail : 514.448.0880
Telephone :